when i see this,i ask my compiler...did u understand?
then she smiles at me back...
here,see my script....
assumed that we declared all the variables....
time=money;// assign money to time,now time hold money
now woman is no longer need time n money..besides,,need double money??why hard to get??
so,money is not the root of all problem
when we check,,,
System.out.println("ur life completed when u able to balance between money,woman n urself...congrats!!!!");
System.out.println("DONT CRAZY bout us if u dunt have money laaaa...");
for guys,just a little simple advice from ur sister ^-^
if u find hard to get the woman,,u will find double hard to find money rite now..
because what? u r still studying..dun misusing ur allowances n ur parent money just for her!!he3..